package wasm import ( "errors" "reflect" "syscall/js" ) // ErrInvalidArgumentType is returned when a generated Go function wrapper receives invalid argument types from JS. var ErrInvalidArgumentType = errors.New("invalid argument passed into Go function") var errorType = reflect.TypeOf((*error)(nil)).Elem() type goThrowable struct { Result js.Value `wasm:"result"` Error js.Value `wasm:"error"` } // toJSFunc takes a reflect.Value of a Go function and converts it to a JS function that: // Errors if the parameter types do not conform to the Go function signature, // Throws an error if the last returned value is an error and is non-nil, // Return an array if there's multiple non-error return values. func toJSFunc(x reflect.Value) js.Value { funcType := x.Type() var hasError bool if funcType.NumOut() != 0 { hasError = funcType.Out(funcType.NumOut()-1) == errorType } return funcWrapper.Invoke(js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} { in, err := conformJSValueToType(funcType, this, args) if err != nil { return ToJSValue(goThrowable{ Error: NewError(err), }) } out := x.Call(in) if !hasError { return ToJSValue(goThrowable{ Result: returnValue(out), }) } lastParam := out[len(out)-1] if !lastParam.IsNil() { return ToJSValue(goThrowable{ Error: NewError(lastParam.Interface().(error)), }) } return ToJSValue(goThrowable{ Result: returnValue(out[:len(out)-1]), }) })) } var jsValueType = reflect.TypeOf(js.Value{}) // conformJSValueToType attempts to convert the provided JS values to reflect.Values that match the // types expected for the parameters of funcType. func conformJSValueToType(funcType reflect.Type, this js.Value, values []js.Value) ([]reflect.Value, error) { if funcType.NumIn() == 0 { if len(values) != 0 { return nil, ErrInvalidArgumentType } return []reflect.Value{}, nil } if funcType.In(0) == jsValueType { // If the first parameter is a js.Value, it is assumed to be the value of `this`. values = append([]js.Value{this}, values...) } if funcType.IsVariadic() && funcType.NumIn()-1 > len(values) { return nil, ErrInvalidArgumentType } if !funcType.IsVariadic() && funcType.NumIn() != len(values) { return nil, ErrInvalidArgumentType } in := make([]reflect.Value, 0, len(values)) for i, v := range values { paramType := funcType.In(i) ptrX := reflect.New(paramType).Interface() err := FromJSValue(v, ptrX) if err != nil { return nil, err } in = append(in, reflect.ValueOf(ptrX).Elem()) } return in, nil } // returnValue wraps returned values by Go in a JS-friendly way. // If there are no returned values, it returns undefined. // If there is exactly one, it returns the JS equivalent. // If there is more than one, it returns an array containing the JS equivalent of every returned value. func returnValue(x []reflect.Value) js.Value { switch len(x) { case 0: return js.Undefined() case 1: return ToJSValue(x[0].Interface()) } xInterface := make([]interface{}, 0, len(x)) for _, v := range x { xInterface = append(xInterface, v.Interface()) } return ToJSValue(xInterface) }