
133 lines
11 KiB

2019-10-12 11:29:33 +07:00
package config
//==Message Util==
2019-10-13 14:54:41 +07:00
const UsageTitle = "使用方法 Command Usage"
2019-10-12 11:29:33 +07:00
const UsageColour = 0xF00000
2019-10-13 14:54:41 +07:00
const ErrorStack = "纠错信息 Debug Info"
2019-10-12 13:49:41 +07:00
const ErrorColour = 0xE00000
2019-10-13 14:54:41 +07:00
const SuccessTitle = "成功 Success"
2019-10-12 11:29:33 +07:00
const SuccessColour = 0x00E000
2019-10-13 14:54:41 +07:00
const PermissionErrorTitle = "没有权限 Forbidden"
2019-10-12 13:49:41 +07:00
const ErrorCannotFindMember = "请确保你已经加入伺服器。Please make sure that you're in the server."
const ErrorMustNotBeMember = "这个指令不能被会员使用。This command cannot be used by server members."
const ErrorMustBeMember = "这个指令只能在成为会员后使用。This command can only be used by server members."
const ErrorMustDMTitle = "私信保护 DM Protection"
const ErrorMustDMDescription = "<@%s>,这个指令只能在私信中使用。<@%s>, this command can only be used in DMs."
const AuditInfoTitle = "记录Audit Info"
const AuditInfoColour = 0xA0A0A0
const InternalErrorDescription = "发生了不明错误。An unknown error has occurred."
2019-10-13 14:54:41 +07:00
const VoteErrorTitle = "投票错误 Vote Error"
const ErrorForceRejectionReuse = "你在这个月内已使用过:x:。请选择其他选项。\nYou have already used :x: this month. Please choose another option."
const ErrorVoteHasEnded = "投票已结束。无法投票。\nThis vote has already concluded."
2019-10-13 14:54:41 +07:00
const VoteSuccessfulTitle = "投票成功 Voted Successfully"
const VoteSuccessfulVoteID = "投票编号 Vote ID"
const VoteSuccessfulVoteName = "投票名称 Vote Name"
const VoteSuccessfulDetectedVote = "所投的票 Your Vote"
2019-10-12 13:49:41 +07:00
2019-10-13 14:54:41 +07:00
const VoteSuggestionErrorTitle = "开始新的投票错误 Vote Suggestion Error"
2019-10-12 13:49:41 +07:00
const ErrorVoteSuggestionNotEnoughInfo = "请提供更多资料。\nPlease provide more information."
const ErrorVoteSuggestionTooLong = "你投票的内容过长了。请使用少过500个字符。\nYour vote is too long. Please use a maximum of 500 characters."
2019-10-13 14:54:41 +07:00
const ErrorVoteSuggestionUnknownType = "未知投票种类 Unknown Vote Type: %s."
2019-10-12 11:29:33 +07:00
2019-10-13 14:54:41 +07:00
const CustomVoteTitle = "自定义投票 Custom Vote"
2019-10-12 15:33:06 +07:00
const CustomVoteColour = 0x00F0F0
2019-10-13 14:54:41 +07:00
const CustomVoteVoteID = "投票编号 Vote ID"
const CustomVoteContent = "投票内容 Content"
2019-10-12 15:33:06 +07:00
2019-10-13 14:54:41 +07:00
const EntryVoteTitle = "加入申请 Entry Application"
2019-10-12 15:33:06 +07:00
const EntryVoteColour = 0x808000
2019-10-13 14:54:41 +07:00
const EntryVoteVoteID = "投票编号 Vote ID"
const EntryVoteApplicant = "申请者 Applicant"
const EntryVoteReason = "加入原因 Provided Reason for Entry"
2019-10-12 15:33:06 +07:00
const VotePassTitle = "投票通过 Vote Passed"
const VotePassColour = 0x00F000
const VoteRejectTitle = "投票不通过 Vote Rejected"
const VoteRejectColour = 0xF00000
2019-10-13 14:54:41 +07:00
const EntryVoteRejectNotificationTitle = "抱歉…… Sorry…"
const EntryVoteRejectNotificationContent = "你加入的提案被拒绝了。请提升你和伺服器中的成员的关系后再次申请加入。\nThe application entry you sent was rejected. You must strengthen your relationship with other server members before trying again."
2019-10-13 14:54:41 +07:00
const EntryVoteSuccessWelcomeTitle = "欢迎! Welcome!"
const EntryVoteSuccessWelcomeDescription = "欢迎进入伺服器,<@%s>。Welcome to the server, <@%s>!"
2019-10-12 15:33:06 +07:00
2019-10-12 11:29:33 +07:00
const SendAsUsage = "!sendas <频道ID> <信息>\n!sendas <channel ID> <message>"
2019-10-13 14:54:41 +07:00
const SendAsSuccessfulDescription = "成功发送该信息。\nMessage sent successfully."
2019-10-12 11:29:33 +07:00
const SendAsSuccessfulMessageID = "Discord编号 // Discord ID"
const EditAsUsage = "!editas <频道ID> <信息ID> <信息>\n!editas <channel ID> <message ID> <message>"
2019-10-13 14:54:41 +07:00
const EditAsSuccessfulDescription = "成功编辑该信息。\nMessage edited successfully."
2019-10-12 11:29:33 +07:00
//VTL is view trust level
const VTLColour = 0xE0E000
const VTLSingleUserTitle = "<@%s>的信誉分 <@%s>'s Trust Score"
const VTLSingleUserValue = "分数 Trust Score"
const VTLSingleUserServerTotal = "伺服器总分 Server Total"
const VTLSingleUserPercentage = "百分比 Percentage"
const VTLGlobalTitle = "伺服器信誉分报告 Server Trust Score Report"
const VTLGlobalFieldFormat = "%.1f/%.1f (%.2f%%)"
2019-10-12 13:49:41 +07:00
2019-10-12 14:44:05 +07:00
const InviteUsage = "!invite <要制造的验证码>\n!invite <validation code to create>"
2019-10-13 14:54:41 +07:00
const InviteSuccessTitle = "制造验证码成功 Validation Code Creation Success"
const InviteSuccessNew = "这个验证码现在属于你了。请好好保管并把它交给你要邀请的人。\nThis validation code now belongs to you. Pass it on to a user you want to invite."
const InviteSuccessAlreadyOwn = "该验证码原本就已经属于你。请直接交给你要邀请的人吧。\nThe validation code already belongs to you. You can pass it on to a user you want to invite."
const ErrorInviteTitle = "制造验证码失败 Create Validation Code Error"
2019-10-12 14:44:05 +07:00
const ErrorInviteCodeContainsSpace = "所制造的验证码不得有任何空格。\nThe validation code to create cannot contain any spaces."
const ErrorInviteOwnedByOthers = "这个验证码已被其他会员注册。请使用别的验证码。\nThis validation code is already registered. Please try another one."
2019-10-13 14:54:41 +07:00
const ErrorInviteExistAndUsed = "这个验证码已被使用过。请使用别的验证码。\nThis validation code has already been used. Please try another one."
2019-10-12 14:44:05 +07:00
2019-10-12 13:49:41 +07:00
const ValidateUsage = "!validate <验证码> <为自己拉票的字>\n!validate <validation code> <reason you should be accepted>"
2019-10-12 14:44:05 +07:00
const ValidateConfirmationColour = 0xE0E000
2019-10-13 14:54:41 +07:00
const ValidateConfirmationTitle = "验证码使用确认 Validation Code Usage Confirmation"
const ValidateConfirmationDescription = "有人使用了你创造的验证码。请确认他是否是你要邀请的人。\nSomeone has used a validation code you created. Please confirm that they are the person you want to invite."
2019-10-12 14:44:05 +07:00
const ValidateConfirmationUser = "Discord帐号 // Discord Account"
2019-10-13 14:54:41 +07:00
const ValidateConfirmationInviteCode = "使用的验证码 Validation Code Used"
2019-10-12 14:44:05 +07:00
const ValidateConfirmationRejectCreatorTitle = "已拒绝验证码使用 Validation Code Usage Denied"
2019-10-13 14:54:41 +07:00
const ValidateConfirmationRejectCreatorDescription = "你已成功拒绝该验证码的使用。为了避免该验证码被对方重复使用,该验证码已被无效化。\nYou have denied the usage of the validation code. To prevent the user from reusing this code, the validation code has been revoked."
2019-10-12 14:44:05 +07:00
const ValidateConfirmationRejectRejecteeTitle = "验证码使用已被拒绝 Validation Code Usage Denied"
2019-10-13 14:54:41 +07:00
const ValidateConfirmationRejectRejecteeDescription = "验证码制造者已拒绝你对该验证码的使用。验证码也已经被无效化了。\nThe validation code creator has prevented you from using the code."
const ValidateConfirmationAcceptCreatorTitle = "已同意验证码使用 Validation Code Usage Approved"
const ValidateConfirmationAcceptCreatorDescription = "你已成功同意验证码的使用,主伺服器已开始了加入投票。该验证码将在这次使用后无效化。\nYou have successfully approved the usage of the validation code and started a vote in the main server. With the one-time usage property of the code, it has been revoked."
const ValidateConfirmationAcceptAccepteeTitle = "验证码的使用已被同意 Validation Code Usage Approved"
const ValidateConfirmationAcceptAccepteeDescription = "你验证码的使用已被同意,主伺服器开始了对于你的加入的投票,请等候投票完毕。\nYour usage of validation code was approved and a vote about your entry request has been started in the main server. Please wait for this process to finish."
2019-10-13 14:54:41 +07:00
const ValidateSuccess = "已向验证码制造者发送了请求。\nA request was sent to use the validation code to the creator."
const ErrorValidateTitle = "验证错误 Validation Error"
const ErrorValidationCodeReuse = "该验证码已被使用过。请向验证码制造者要求新的验证码。\nThis validation code has already been used. Please request a new one from its creator."
2019-10-12 13:49:41 +07:00
const ErrorValidationCodeNotExist = "该验证码不存在。请使用一位会员给你的验证码。\nThis validation code doesn't exist. Please use one given by a member."
2019-10-13 14:54:41 +07:00
const ErrorValidationCodeNotOwnedByMember = "验证码制造者不是会员。\nThe validation code creator is no longer a member."
const ErrorValidationCodeCreatorDisabledPM = "验证码制造者关闭了私信。\nThe validation code creator did not enable DMs."
2019-10-13 09:59:35 +07:00
const SetMCUsernameUsage = "!setmcusername <MC用户名>\n!setmcusername <MC Username>"
const SetMCUsernameConfirmTitle = "设置MC用户名确认 Set MC Username Confirmation"
2019-10-13 14:54:41 +07:00
const SetMCUsernameConfirmDescription = "你在改变了MC用户名以后就不能再以原有用户名登录了请确保你已把你所要的东西放进箱子里。\nYou will not be able to login with your old username once you've changed your username. Items in your ender chests and inventory will not be accessible."
2019-10-13 09:59:35 +07:00
const SetMCUsernameSuccessTitle = "设置用户名成功 Set MC Username Successful"
const SetMCUsernameSuccessDescription = "设置用户名成功!请使用新的用户名登录。\nMC username has been set successfully! Please use your new username to login."
const SetMCUsernameConfirmColour = 0xF0F000
2019-10-13 14:54:41 +07:00
const SetMCUsernameConfirmOldUsername = "旧用户名 Old Username"
const SetMCUsernameConfirmNewUsername = "新用户名 New Username"
2019-10-13 09:59:35 +07:00
const SetMCUsernameConfirmDeniedTitle = "成功取消设置用户名 Cancelled Set MC Username"
2019-10-13 14:54:41 +07:00
const SetMCUsernameConfirmDeniedDescription = "你的用户名没有被改变。请继续使用旧用户名。\nYour username was not changed."
2019-10-13 09:59:35 +07:00
const SetMCUsernameErrorTitle = "设定MC用户名错误 Set MC Username Error"
const ErrorSetMCUsernameDuplicate = "你要设置的用户名已经是你目前记录的用户名。\nThe username you want to set is equal to a username in the record."
2019-10-13 14:54:41 +07:00
const ErrorSetMCUsernameAlreadyOwned = "你要设置的用户名已被其他人使用了。\nThe username you requested is already being used by another player."
2019-10-13 13:23:57 +07:00
const ChangeTrustUsage = "!trust <更改对象>\n!trust <target>"
const ChangeTrustPromptTitle = "更新玩家评分 Update Player Score"
const ChangeTrustPromptColour = 0xF0F000
const ChangeTrustPromptID = "Discord编号 Discord ID"
const ChangeTrustPromptNick = "昵称 Nickname"
const ChangeTrustPromptReminderTitle = "提醒 Reminder"
const ChangeTrustPromptReminderDescription = "你一个月只能更换对一个玩家的评分进行一次更改。\nYou can only change your trust towards a player once per month."
2019-10-13 13:23:57 +07:00
const ChangeTrustSuccessTitle = "成功更新玩家评分 Update Player Score Success"
const ChangeTrustSuccessDescription = "你对这名玩家的分数改变已被记录。\nThe score has been updated."
2019-10-13 13:23:57 +07:00
const ErrorChangeTrustTitle = "调整信誉分错误 Change Trust Error"
const ErrorChangeTrustTargetNotFound = "无法寻找到改变目标。\nCannot find the target user."
const ErrorChangeTrustRecentlyChanged = "你在一个月内设定过该名玩家的分数。你这次的更动没有被记录。\nYou have already changed your score for this player within the previous month. Your change was not recorded."
const VoteSuggestionUsage = "!votesuggest <种类custom> <内容>\n!votesuggest <type: custom> <content>"
2019-10-13 14:54:41 +07:00
const VoteSuggestionUpcomingTitle = "准备中…… Preparing…"
const VoteSuggestionUpcomingDescription = "正在准备新的投票……\nPreparing for the next vote..."
const VoteSuggestionUpcomingColour = 0x000000