package modules import ( "fmt" "strconv" "strings" "" "TerraOceanBot/db" "TerraOceanBot/discord/config" ) type voteType struct { EmbedBuilder func(id int, name string) *discordgo.MessageEmbed ResultHandler func(s *discordgo.Session, id int, name string, isPositive bool) } var voteTypes = map[string]voteType{ "custom": voteType{ EmbedBuilder: createCustomEmbed, ResultHandler: announceCustomResult, }, "invite": voteType{ EmbedBuilder: createInviteEmbed, ResultHandler: handleInviteResult, }, } const ( emojiOne = "1⃣" emojiTwo = "2⃣" emojiThree = "3⃣" emojiFour = "4⃣" emojiFive = "5⃣" emojiCheck = "✅" emojiX = "❌" ) func CheckForVote(s *discordgo.Session, r *discordgo.MessageReactionAdd) { if r.UserID == s.State.User.ID { return } voteID, err := db.GetVoteFromMessageID(r.MessageID) if err == db.ErrNotFound { return } if err != nil { auditError(s, r.ChannelID, err) return } s.MessageReactionRemove(r.ChannelID, r.MessageID, r.Emoji.Name, r.UserID) var value int switch r.Emoji.Name { case emojiX: value = db.ForceRejectionVote case emojiOne: value = 1 case emojiTwo: value = 2 case emojiThree: value = 3 case emojiFour: value = 4 case emojiFive: value = 5 case emojiCheck: value = db.NuclearOptionVote default: auditInfo(s, "Reaction "+r.Emoji.Name+" was added to vote #"+strconv.Itoa(voteID)) return } err = db.UpdateVote(voteID, r.UserID, value) if err == db.ErrForceRejectionVoteReuse { initNewEmbed(config.VoteErrorTitle, config.ErrorForceRejectionReuse, config.ErrorColour). SendPM(s, r.UserID) return } if err == db.ErrVoteIsOver { initNewEmbed(config.VoteErrorTitle, config.ErrorVoteHasEnded, config.ErrorColour). SendPM(s, r.UserID) return } var voteName string if err == nil { voteName, err = db.GetVoteName(voteID) } if err != nil { auditErrorPM(s, r.UserID, err) return } initNewEmbed(config.VoteSuccessfulTitle, "", config.SuccessColour). AddField(config.VoteSuccessfulVoteID, strconv.Itoa(voteID)). AddField(config.VoteSuccessfulVoteName, voteName). AddField(config.VoteSuccessfulDetectedVote, r.Emoji.Name). SendPM(s, r.UserID) auditInfo(s, fmt.Sprintf("<@%s> has chosen %s for vote ID %d.", r.UserID, r.Emoji.Name, voteID)) checkForVoteResult(s, voteID) } //TODO Replace with a command. func VoteSuggestion(s *discordgo.Session, m *discordgo.MessageCreate) { s.ChannelMessageDelete(m.ChannelID, m.ID) args := strings.SplitN(m.Content, " ", 2) if len(args) == 1 { initNewEmbed( config.VoteSuggestionErrorTitle, config.ErrorVoteSuggestionNotEnoughInfo+config.VoteSuggestionNote, config.ErrorColour, ).SendPM(s, m.Author.ID) return } if len(args[1]) > 500 { initNewEmbed( config.VoteSuggestionErrorTitle, config.ErrorVoteSuggestionTooLong+config.VoteSuggestionNote, config.ErrorColour, ).SendPM(s, m.Author.ID) return } switch args[0] { case "custom": msg, err := s.ChannelMessageSend(config.VoteChannel, "正在准备新的一个投票…… Preparing for the next vote...") if err != nil { auditErrorPM(s, m.Author.ID, err) return } id, err := db.CreateCustomVote(msg.ID, args[1]) if err != nil { auditErrorPM(s, m.Author.ID, err) return } auditInfo(s, fmt.Sprintf("Vote ID %d has been created by <@%s>.", id, m.Author.ID)) s.ChannelMessageEdit(config.VoteChannel, msg.ID, "") s.ChannelMessageEditEmbed(config.VoteChannel, msg.ID, createCustomEmbed(id, args[1])) s.MessageReactionAdd(config.VoteChannel, msg.ID, emojiOne) s.MessageReactionAdd(config.VoteChannel, msg.ID, emojiTwo) s.MessageReactionAdd(config.VoteChannel, msg.ID, emojiThree) s.MessageReactionAdd(config.VoteChannel, msg.ID, emojiFour) s.MessageReactionAdd(config.VoteChannel, msg.ID, emojiFive) default: initNewEmbed( config.VoteSuggestionErrorTitle, fmt.Sprintf(config.ErrorVoteSuggestionUnknownType, args[1])+config.VoteSuggestionNote, config.ErrorColour, ).SendPM(s, m.Author.ID) } } func createCustomEmbed(id int, name string) *discordgo.MessageEmbed { return newEmbed().SetColour(0x00FFFF).SetTitle("自定义投票Custom Vote").AddField("ID", strconv.Itoa(id)).AddField("内容Content", name).Build() } func announceCustomResult(s *discordgo.Session, id int, name string, isPositive bool) { s.ChannelMessageSendEmbed(config.AnnounceCustomChannel, showVoteStatus(createCustomEmbed(id, name), isPositive)) }