constInviteSuccessNew="这个验证码现在属于你了。请好好保管并把它交给你要邀请的人。\nThis validation code now belongs to you! Pass it on to the person you want to invite."
constInviteSuccessAlreadyOwn="该验证码原本就已经属于你。请直接交给你要邀请的人吧。\nThe validation code already belongs to you. Please just pass it to the person you want to invite."
constValidateConfirmationDescription="有人使用了你创造的验证码。请确认他是否是你要邀请的人。\nSomeone has used a validation code you created. Please confirm that he/she is the person you want to invite."
constValidateConfirmationRejectCreatorDescription="你已成功拒绝该验证码的使用。为了避免该验证码被对方重复使用,该验证码已被无效化。\nYou have successfully denied the usage of the validation code. To prevent the validation code user from reusing this code, this validation code has been revoked."
constValidateConfirmationRejectRejecteeDescription="验证码制造者已拒绝你对该验证码的使用。验证码也已经被无效化了。\nThe validation code creator has prevented you from using the validation code. The code has also been revoked."
constValidateConfirmationAcceptCreatorDescription="你已成功同意验证码的使用,主伺服器已开始了加入投票。该验证码也在这次使用后无效化了。\nYou have successfully approved the usage of the validation code and started a vote in the main server. With the one-time usage property of the code, it has been revoked."
constValidateConfirmationAcceptAccepteeDescription="你验证码的使用已被同意,主伺服器中开始了对于你的加入的投票,请等候投票完毕。\nYour usage of validation code was approved and a vote about your entry request has been started in the main server. Please wait patiently for the vote to finish."
constValidateSuccess="已向验证码制造者发送了请求。\nSent a request to use the validation code to its creator."
constErrorValidateTitle="验证错误Validation Error"
constErrorValidationCodeReuse="该验证码已被使用过。请向验证码制造者要求新的验证码。\nThis validation code has been used before. Please request a new one from its creator."
@ -134,14 +128,32 @@ func CheckForInvite(s *discordgo.Session, r *discordgo.MessageReactionAdd) {
s.ChannelMessageSend(r.ChannelID,"已成功拒绝该验证码的使用。为了保护你,该验证码已被无效化。\nThe use of this validation code has been rejected. This validation code has been invalidated to protect you.")