package main import "" func createInvite(s *discordgo.Session, m *discordgo.MessageCreate, command []string) { if !enforceDM(s, m) { return } if !membersOnly(s, m) { return } if len(command) < 2 { s.ChannelMessageSend(m.ChannelID, "指令的使用方法是`!invite <你所要设置的验证码>`.\nUsage: `!invite `") return } if len(command) > 2 { s.ChannelMessageSend(m.ChannelID, "所提供的验证码不得有任何空格。\nThe provided validation code cannot contain any spaces.") return } err := setInviteOwner(command[1], m.Author.ID) switch err { case errAlreadyExists: owner, _ := getInviteOwner(command[1]) if owner == m.Author.ID { s.ChannelMessageSend( m.ChannelID, "这个验证码归你所有,它仍然未被使用。请把它告诉你要邀请的人。\nThis validation code belongs to you. Please give it to the person you want to invite.", ) return } s.ChannelMessageSend( m.ChannelID, "这个验证码已被其他会员注册。请使用别的验证码。\nThis validation code is already registered. Please try another one.", ) case errInviteUsed: s.ChannelMessageSend( m.ChannelID, "这个验证码已被使用。请使用别的验证码。\nThis validation code has already been used. Please try another one.", ) case nil: s.ChannelMessageSend( m.ChannelID, "这个验证码现在属于你了。请好好保管并把它交给你要邀请的人。\nThis validation code now belongs to you! Pass it on to the person you want to invite.", ) default: s.ChannelMessageSend( m.ChannelID, "不明错误已发生,请把这个错误信息发在群里。\nAn unknown error has occurred. Please pass this error message on.\n"+err.Error(), ) } }