[bar/top] monitor = ${env:MONITOR:} width = 100% height = 34 background = #ff2e3440 foreground = #ccffffff line-color = #00000000 line-size = 2 ; If you want tray icons to be on the top bar use this. tray-position=right tray-padding=2 spacing = 2 padding-right = 5 module-margin = 4 font-0 = PT Sans Caption:size=10;2 font-1 = FontAwesome:size=12;1 font-2 = MaterialIcons:size=12;3 font-3 = Termsynu:size=10:antialias=false;1 modules-left = i3 title modules-center = date modules-right = cpu memory volume wired-network powermenu [module/cpu] type = internal/cpu interval = 2 format =