import {toast} from "react-toastify"; // export const SERVER_URL = "" export const SERVER_URL = "" export const defaultAuth = () => ({ loggedIn: window.localStorage.getItem("authtoken") !== null, token: window.localStorage.getItem("authtoken"), username: '', email: '', admin: false, }) export const reducer = (state, action) => { return {...state, ...action.response} } export async function authenticate(token) { if (token == null) return defaultAuth() const {status, json} = await query("/account/info", {token}).catch(() => { toast.error("The authentication server is offline!") return defaultAuth() }) if (status !== 200) { window.localStorage.removeItem("authtoken") toast.warn("You have been logged out.") return defaultAuth() } console.debug("Authentication Response:", json) const {email, username, admin} = json; return {username, email, admin, loggedIn: true} } export async function registration(username, email, password) { const {status, json} = await query("/register", {username, email, password}).catch(() => { return {status: 500, json: {reason: "The authentication server is offline!"}} }) console.debug("Registration Response:", json) return {status, json} } export async function login(usernameOrEmail, password) { const {status, json} = await query("/login", {usernameOrEmail, password}).catch(() => { return {status: 500, json: {reason: "The authentication server is offline!"}} }) console.debug("Login Response:", json) return {status, json} } export function logout(token) { window.localStorage.removeItem("authtoken") query("/logout", {token}).then(() => { toast.warn("You have been logged out.") }) return defaultAuth() } export async function query(url, data) { console.debug("FETCH: " + SERVER_URL + url + " - " + JSON.stringify(data)) let response = await fetch(SERVER_URL + url, { method: "POST", headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json"}, body: JSON.stringify(data) }) const json = await response.json() console.debug(json) return {status: response.status, json} }