36 lines
1.8 KiB
36 lines
1.8 KiB
plugin_header: "&b&lVague Enchantsss"
error: "&c[!] &7%s"
general: "&7%s"
success: "&a%s"
general_error: "An error has occurred."
command_not_found: "The sub-command (%command%) was not found. Try using /ve help."
no_access: "You do not have access to use this command."
target_not_found: "Player %player% was not found on the server."
require_player: "Console is not allowed to use this command."
amount_below_zero: "The amount must be greater than 0."
level_below_zero: "The level must be greater than 0"
not_enough_tokens: "You don't have enough tokens to do that."
no_item_held: "You are not holding an item."
no_enchants: "Your item does not have any enchantments."
repair_not_enough: "You do not have enough tokens. To repair your tool, you need %token% tokens."
upgrade_not_enough: "You do not have enough tokens. This upgrade costs %token% tokens."
upgrade_illegal_enchantment: "You cannot upgrade that enchantment."
upgrade_max_level: "You have already maxed that enchantment."
tokens: "You have %token% tokens."
tokens_other: "%player% has %token% tokens."
tokens_give_sender: "You sent %player% %token% tokens."
tokens_give_receiver: "You received %token% tokens from %player%"
addench_receiver: "Your tool has successfully been enchanted."
delench_receiver: "&cYour tool has lost the %ench% enchantment." #override general success color
deltoken_receiver: "&cYou now have %token% tokens."
refund_receiver: "You have been refunded %token% tokens."
repair_receiver: "Your tool has successfully been repaired."
settoken_receiver: "You now have %token% tokens."
tokens_give_receiver: "You have received %token% tokens."
upgrade_receiver: "Your tool has successfully been upgraded by %level% level(s) for %token% tokens."