refund_value: 0.6 repair_value: 0.05 min_repair: 5000 tokens: host: "localhost" database: "tokens" table: "tokens" username: "root" password: "" enchantments: efficiency: cost_equation: "5000*x" max: 5000 description: "The vanilla efficiency enchant. Dig faster!" fortune: cost_equation: "4000*x" max: 14000 description: "The vanilla fortune enchant. Get more block drops!" omnitool: description: "This changes the tool needed for the target block (only works for pickaxe, axe, spade)." max: 1 cost_equation: "100000" speed: description: "Gain the speed potion effect while holding a tool." max: 3 cost_equation: "15000*x" # x is parsed as the level for all equations in the config file! # haste: description: "Gain the speed potion effect while holding a tool." max: 10 cost_equation: "15000*x" # x is parsed as the level for all equations in the config file! explosive: description: "Occasionally, your tool will explode the block it mines, destroying blocks around it." max: 1000 cost_equation: "3000*x" cooldown_equation: "80/(e^(x/500))" destroyed_blocks_equation: "floor(x/80)+3" autosell: description: "Automatically sell all your items in your inventory, saving you time." max: 1000 cooldown_equation: "60/(e^(x/244.25))" cost_equation: "5000*x" command: "sell" #PAPI allowed here keymine: description: "Your tool will be able to create crate keys for occasionally." max: 1000 cost_equation: "25000*x" chance_equation: "0.4/(500*e^(-x/1400))" #the chance that you will get a key after the cooldown keys: regular: command: "crate givekey %player% regular 1" #PAPI allowed here chance: 70 special: command: "crate givekey %player% special 1" chance: 30 tokenminer: description: "Your tool will occasionally give you tokens." minTokens: "1" maxTokens: "max(1,floor(x/10))" max: 1000 cost_equation: "10000*x" command: "ve addtokens %player% " #NOTE: This supports PAPI, but is not part of PAPI. It is internally calcualted slicing: description: "Delete all blocks on this y-level around you" max: 5000 cooldown_equation: "60/(e^(x/4000))" cost_equation: "10000*x"