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Websocket Protocol Documentation

Table of contents

Staff Endpoints

These endpoints are just going to be used between a staff member handling clients and the server.

Server to Staff


This message is sent to the staff when another staff member has already claimed a ticket. This message serves the function of letting staff members know when a ticket is no longer needing a staff member to claim it.

claimed {"id":0,"email":"","name":"Example Name","staff":"StaffMember","start":"2019-10-01T04:12:19Z","end":"1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"}

This example message would tell the staff member that the ticket was claimed by 'StaffMember'.


This message is sent to the staff when a kiosk creates a new ticket.

new {"id":0,"email":"","name":"Example Name","staff":"{}","start":"2019-10-01T04:12:19Z","end":"1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"}

This example message would tell the staff member that a client by the name of 'Example Name' has created a new ticket.


This message is sent to staff members when they haven't picked an assigned table yet. The purpose of the message is to allow staff members know what tables are available to pick.


taken 0 3 5

This sample message would tell the staff member that table 0, 3, and 5 are already taken and are not available.

Staff to Server


This message is sent from the staff member when they want to claim a ticket.

accept 0

This sample message would claim a ticket with the ID of 0

error accept your session token was found to be invalid. please relogin

This means that the internal token used to identify you was deamed incorrect or invalid. You must relog

error accept you do not have a table chosen

You must be assigned to a table before handling tickets.

error accept ticket id does not exist

The ticket with the provided id you are trying to accept does not exist.

error accept this ticket is now claimed

The ticket you are trying to claim has already been claimed by another user.

error accept the ticket has already been completed or cancelled

This means that when the ticket you are trying to accept is already claimed by someone else

success claimed {id}

The staff member has successfully claimed the ticket.


This message is sent from the staff member when a client decided to cancel a ticket, or does not show up.

cancel 0

This example message would cancel the ticket with the id of 0

error cancel you are not assigned to any table

You must be assigned to a table before handling tickets.

error cancel ticket id does not exist

The ticket with the provided id you are trying to cancel does not exist.

error cancel you do not own this ticket

The ticket you are trying to cancel must be owned by you.

error cancel the ticket has already been completed or cancelled

This means the ticket you are trying to cancel cannot be cancelled as it has already previously been, or has been completed.

success cancel {id}

The ticket was successfully cancelled with no issues.


This message is sent from the staff member when a staff member completes a ticket

complete 0

This example message would complete the ticket with the id of 0

error complete you are not assigned to any table

You must be assigned to a table before handling tickets.

error complete ticket id does not exist

The ticket with the provided id you are trying to complete does not exist.

error complete you do not own this ticket

The ticket you are trying to complete must be owned by you.

error complete the ticket has already been completed or cancelled

This means the ticket you are trying to cancel cannot be cancelled as it has already previously been, or has been completed.

success complete {id}

The ticket was successfully completed with no issues.


This command lets a staff member pick a table

pick 0 abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxy

This command would assign the client the table 0, and validate their identity with their token

error pick the provided token does not belong to any staff member

You are using an invalid token. Try to relog

error the chosen table is not available

This means that the table you are chosing (0, in this case) is already taken, or you are picking an invalid number.

success pick {table}

You successfully claimed the table and can start accepting tickets


This command lets a staff member unset their chosen table


This would unassign the table the client has chosen

error unpick you do not have a table assigned

This means you do not have a current table you have picked

success unpick

This means you have successfully reset your chosen table

Kiosk Endpoints

These endpoints are used between the kiosk (client-facing machine), and the server

Kiosk to Server


This message is sent from the kiosk when a new ticket is requested to be created

new Example Name

This sample command will create a new ticket under the email of, and their name Example Name

success new {jsonEncodedTicket}

The ticket was successfully created for the client


This message is sent from the kiosk when the kiosk tries to autocomplete the client's name


This sample command will try to find the name for the client who's email is

error query visitor email does not exist

The email you are trying to query has no corresponding user, this is the first time that user is visiting

success query {name}

This message returns the corresponding name that was found in our database for the example proivded.

Display Endpoints

These endpoints will be used by the display machine

Server to Display


This command will tell the display to clear the table's ticket

cancel 0

This will cancel the ticket that was planned to happen on table 0


This command will tell the display that a ticket was claimed by a staff memeber

claimed StaffMember 0 {"id":0,"email":"","name":"Example Name","staff":"StaffMember","start":"2019-10-01T04:12:19Z","end":"1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"}

This will tell the display that the staff member 'StaffMember' has claimed the ticket on table 0


This tells the display that the ticket on a table has been successfully completed

complete 0

This tells the display that the ticket on table 0 has been completed


This tells the display that a table has been claimed by a staff member and to show it as online on the display

pick 0

This tells the display that the table 0 has been picked by a staff member


This tells the display that a client has left serving on a table

unpick 0

This tells the display that the table 0 is no longer going to be accepting/serving tickets.