- /shop
- /shop reload
- Buy Item by left click
- Sell Item by right click
- Sell all with middle/shift click
- Items to execute commands
- Automatic pages
- Automatic menu row
The plugin now has a functioning messages.yml that has the options to
set messages (improving customisability), as well as the shop now has a
working buy menu where u can see the price changes and what not.
Supports prices and rounding to 2 decimal places.
- Automatically calculates the number of pages by seeing how many empty
slots are available
- Forwards and backwards buttons are now functional
- The configuration file changes from setting the value of data to set
things such as stained glass colors to damage to follow deluxe shop's
- Removed support for specific slot within stores
- Added functionality for menu button
- Pages are still in development
- Added support for lore for buy/sell prices
Initially, the configuration section was named startGUI, which was not in the
essense of what is was actually doing, and was named to shopGUI. Furthermore,
the main shop is set up to perform the command that is listed in the
configuration file. The configuration file still does not handle loading up
other shops yet.